Wednesday, November 19, 2014

HTC One X How to Delete Uninstall Apps

On HTC One X , a lot of useful applications , and we can download for free or paid . But there are also applications that do not fit or do not fit our expectations with us . If we do not do the cleaning , the resources or resources such as memory and storage ( storage media ) will be limited , will also be filled with folders and hard to find applications . Then we need to do cleaning by removing unused applications that are permanently from our HTC One X Smartphone or Tablet that folder we will neatly arranged and also to keep the memory and storage resources .

There are 2 way to remove HTC One X apps with ease , the following steps to remove HTC One X apps . Since I was a user of Samsung Galaxy Note 2 , then I wear it as an example of the guidelines.How to Remove HTC One X application from Google Play Store1 . Click [ Play Store ] to enter the applications Google Play Store
2 . Go to [ Menu ]
3 . Click [ My apps ] , then it will display a list of HTC One X applications that have been downloaded previously .
4 . Select and Click HTC One X application that will be removed .
remove HTC One X apps
5 . Click [ Uninstall ]
6 . Will display the message " Do you want to uninstall this app ? "
7 . Click the [ OK ]
8 . Wait a minute for the removal process ( Uninstalling. ...... )
9 . Once completed, the Play Store will be on applications that have been installed .You have remove permanently apps from your HTC One X gadget .
How to Delete Applications from the HTC One X Settings Menu Smartphone / Tablet

1 . Go to Menu Settings with Click [ Setting ]
2 . Click [ Application Manager ]
3 . HTC One X Application and click Choose to be removed
uninstall HTC One X application
4 . Click [ Uninstall ]
6 . Will display the message " Application will uninstalled "
7 . Click the [ OK ]
8 . Wait a minute for the removal process ( Uninstalling. ..... )
9 . Once completed , the note " uninstalled "
10 . Click the [ OK ]
HTC One X apps you have deleted permanently from your HTC One X gadget . 


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